FAQs - for Migration

1. What is migration?

Migration allows you to transfer your existing LP positions from other AMMs on Solana, such as Raydium/Orca/etc., directly to GAMMA.

2. Can I partially migrate my LP position from other AMMs to GAMMA?

No, partial migration isn’t supported. When you migrate an LP position, it is fully withdrawn from the other AMM and deposited into GAMMA.

3. Is there any additional fee to migrate?

No, there’s no additional fee to migrate your LP position to GAMMA. You’ll only need to cover the transaction fee, which is approximately ~0.002 SOL.

4. What happens to my pending yield on the AMM I migrate from?

Any pending yield will remain on the original AMM. You’ll need to visit their site to claim it. Only the LP position is migrated to GAMMA.

5. Which AMMs are supported for migration?

Currently, GAMMA supports migration from Raydium and Orca pools.

6. What is the lock-in period for migrated LP positions?

Migrated LP positions are locked for 2 days, during which they earn extra $GOFX rewards on selected pools. This is to prevent abuse from migrating back and forth and claiming extra $GOFX.

7. What are the extra $GOFX rewards on some pools in GAMMA?

Certain pools on GAMMA are boosted with additional $GOFX rewards to incentivize LPs. If you migrate your LP position to these pools, you’ll earn extra $GOFX rewards.

8. Can I cancel a migration after it starts?

No, once you initiate the migration, it cannot be canceled. Make sure you’re ready to move your position before proceeding.

9. Will my liquidity provision be affected during migration?

During the migration process, your liquidity will be withdrawn from the original AMM and deposited into GAMMA. This process usually takes one to two minutes!

10. How do I know if my migration was successful?

After the migration, your LP position will appear in the GAMMA interface, and you’ll receive a confirmation message. If you don’t see your position, please check your wallet and transaction history or contact us on Discord.

11. Can I migrate LP positions from multiple pools at once?

Currently, migrations must be done one pool at a time. You’ll need to repeat the migration process for each LP position you want to transfer.

12. What happens if I don’t migrate my LP position?

If you choose not to migrate, your LP position will remain in the original AMM, and you can continue managing it there as usual.

Last updated